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Morehouse College, BA cum laude 2011
English, with concentration in Sports Journalism
Can you tell us how the Montclair Scholarship Fund helped you prepare financially for college?
MSF helped me prepare mainly with getting textbooks and school supplies at the start of every school year. Not only that, but being a recipient of a scholarship motivated and pushed me to excel in college.
I wanted a MSF scholarship (Whitlock) specifically because I believed that no matter where I went for college, I knew my own city of Montclair would support me. Essentially, receiving a scholarship through my hometown of Montclair would be a great asset. I am very familiar with the Whitlock family and I appreciate what they have done for me.
I knew about MSF because my sister Kristen Holt received The Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship before she attended Howard University in 2003, thus propelling me to do well and hopefully receive a scholarship which I was fortunate enough to receive in 2007.
Did finances play a role in your choice of school?
If I could not have afforded college at the time, I would have done a post-graduate year at either The Peddie school, Hun School, or possibly Lawrenceville. I considered doing this for basketball purposes and to get another year of high school basketball experience in hopes of getting an athletic scholarship for basketball.
What have you been doing since completing your studies at Morehouse College?
I work as a Teacher’s Aide at Buzz Aldrin Middle School in Montclair. I am also the Freshman Boy’s Basketball Coach at Montclair High School. I, along with other coaches, run the Top-Flight basketball camp at Montclair High school during the summer.
I also help volunteer at Buzz Aldrin after school for the student enrichment program or any other school events that take place during the year.
In the future, I plan on having more than one avenue of income. I would like to be a teacher and motivational speaker. Continue to coach basketball, along with writing my own book, as well as being a fashion designer.
What would you say to current Montclair High School seniors who are seeking financial aid?
I would tell the current MHS seniors who seek financial aid, to make sure they are understanding of how it works. They should be knowledgeable of the financial aid system. In college you may have an issue with the financial aid office and it’s going to be your responsibility to be able to converse with those who are in charge at your college or university. Everyone should have a clear cut understanding whenever money is involved, especially with your education.
What do you remember best about being at MHS and living in Montclair?
I have plenty of memories of my high schools years. I can honestly say that Montclair is a well-respected area with diversity. Playing on the basketball team and representing the city was an honor. The activities/events that take place around town, the shopping centers and restaurants make you feel happy just to be able to claim Montclair as your city. We have everything we need here.